When you’re selling a product, you want the best images possible to help showcase its greatest features. This is where 3D modelling and photo-realistic rendering can be huge time and money savers.
Normally, you would throw money at a photographer for a few days. They would bring lots of expensive equipment (which they will charge a rental fee for), spend time dressing a set with props and lights, and then carry out extensive editing after it’s all done. Say you realise a week later that you missed a vital shot. What do you do? Most likely you just make do without it. Because the cost of setting up the set and hiring the photographer again is too high just for one shot.
This is where 3D modelling comes into its own. One of the main benefits of working with an experienced 3D modeller is their ability to open a file, create a new angle, and render the image for you any time you need it.
• Fancy seeing the product in a new colour scheme? Done.
• Need to see the product in an action shot with water? Done.
• Want to see 100s of the product in different colours? Done!
The possibilities really are endless with 3D modelling and the skill of a 3D designer is to take your ideas and bring them to life in glorious 3D detail.